
Figure of Speech

        🌿🌿🌿   Book Beehive🌿🌿🌿🌿         🌿🌿Poem - The Road not Taken🌿 Examples 🌷 Metaphor 1- " Two roads diverged in a yellow wood". 🌷 Anaphora " A nd  he one traveler, long I stood". "And l ooked down one as far as I could". 🌷Personification " Because It was grassy and wanted wear". Alliteration " Somewhere ages and ages hence".          🌿🌿🌿   Poem - Wind🌿🌿🌿 🌷Metaphor The entire poem is Metaphor. ( It ends on a note of application to humanity to stand against all revenge or man made) 🌷Personifation " You tore the pages of books ." " You are very cleaver at poking fun at weakling" ( All are human traits) The wind is personified as Friend. 🌷Anaphora " Don't b reak the shutter of the Window. Don't s catter the pages. Don't t hrow down the books on the self.        🌿🌿🌿  Poem - Rain on The Roof🌿🌿🌿 🌷Metaphor " When the humid shadow hover". " and the thousands rec

Valiant Maharana Pratap

        VALIANT MAHARANA PRATAP Many of us heard a lot about brave people from Bappa Rawal to Rana  Hamir, Rawal Ratan Singh, Rani Padmani, Maharana Sanga, Maharana Kumbha and great among of them was Maharana Pratap. Maharana Pratap  was a renowned rajput worrier of Me war, Rajasthan. He is known for his valour, courage and leadership in battles against the mughals.He is recognized for resisting the attempts of the Mughals ruler Akbar to conquer his territory. His real name was Pratap Singh .  He was born  on 9 May 1540 in Kumbhalgargh fort Mewar, Rajasthan to Jaiwanta bai  and Udai Singh 2. In his family there were three younger brother and two step sisters. His father Udai Singh 2 was the King of  Mewar and his capital was Chittor. Maharana Pratap is famous for his famous battles Haldighati, Dewair and reconquest of Me war.  IMPORTANT    FACTS OF HIS LIFE  1- In 1572 his father Udai Singh was died after that he was crowned the Maharana of Mewar  by the support of some noblemen.At the

Leave for an urgent work

                     Application for Leave The Principal S.V.M Sr. Sec. School Kamla Nagar, Agra. 2 nd October, 2023 Sub - Leave for an Urgent Work. Sir/ Mam With due respect I  Rahul Sharma   a student of class 6th want to say that  my parents have to go out of  station for an urgent work. There is no one in my family to look after me. I also have to go with them.So I will not not be able to attend school for three day. Therefore, I request you to please accept my application and  grant me leave from 2/10/ 23 to 4 /10/23. I will be very thankful for your kindness. Thanking You Yours Obediently  Rahul Sharma St. -6

L -3 The Midnight Visitor

  NCERT QUESTION Q - How is Ausable  different from other secret agents? Ans -Ausable was an agent but he was little different from other agents.He was extremely fat. In spite of living in Paris for twenty years, he spoke French and German only passably and had American accent. He had a small room in a musty corridor of a gloomy French hotel.It was on the sixth and top floor.He got only a telephone call making an appointment. Q -2 Who is Fowler and what is his first authentic thrill of the day? Ans - Fowler was a young and romantic writer and he had come to meet Ausable.  Fowler's first authentic thrill of the day was that when he saw a man( Max) in the center of Ausable's room, pointing a pistol towards Ausable and himself. Q -3 How had Max got in ? Ans-  Max had got into the room with a      pass key or a master key ? Q - 4 How does Ausable say he got in ? Ans - Ausable was thinking  that Max had got into room  through the balcony.He told him that there was a balcony just bel

My School Essay ( 150 Words)

              ESSAY - MY SCHOOL School is a place where education is given to students and where we learn and grow. In other words school is the name of building where students come from different - different places. I study in one of the best school of our city.My school name is Saraswati Vidya Mandir St. Sec.School in Agra. It has big and beautiful buildings . There is a big play ground.  Students gathere here for assembly and play with there friends . My school is famous for discipline and good study. I reach to school at fix time. There are about 65 teachers in this school.They all are very good in teaching and strictness. All teacher behave properly with the students. Teachers always help the students and guide them towards right direction.  There is a big library, where students come to read many books. In school campus there are three labs for science subjects and a computer lab. There is also a big gym, where students go to make them fit. We take part in school activities like

L - 7 THE GLIMPSES OF INDIA ( The Bakers of Goa)

               L - A BAKER FROM GOA NCERT QUESTIONS Q - 1 What  are the  elders in Goa nostalgic about ? Ans - The elders in Goa are nostalgic about the good old Portuguese, their good old days and their famous loaves of bread. Q -2 Is bread making still popular in Goa ? How do you know? Ans - Yes, bread making is still popular in Goa. Because in some of the houses furnace can be seen. The fire in the furnaces has not yet been extinguished. In some of the families still their children following that same profession.The moulders, bread mixers and bakers can still seem there. Q - 3 What is the baker called ? Ans - The bakers is called as padre.


                      PARTS OF SPEECH In the junior classes 6,7 and 8 grammar plays an important role as a part of English Language. At this stage our main aim to strong their grammar. Among  The other topics of grammar Parts of Speech is the Important and basic topic.This contents Definition, kinds of Parts of Speech with example.Students should have knowledge of all parts of speech.    WHAT IS PARTS OF SPEECH Parts of Speech is the first grammar topic which we learn in school. Parts of speech can be defined as words that perform different roles in making a sentence. Definition - A  group of words or a sentence which is classified into Eight parts which play an important role in English Language. These Eight Parts are -     Nouns      Pronouns     Verbs     Adverbs     Adjectives     Prepositions    Conjunctions    Interjections    Determiner/ Articles In modern English grammar now another parts of speech Determiner or Article is also added.Now there are Nine parts of speech. 1 - NOUN