
Showing posts from October, 2022

Descriptive Paragraph

              Descriptive  Paragraph Descriptive paragraph is a detailed account of any  given topic.It may be about a person, place or event. The details given in the paragraph must appeal to the five senses- sight, taste, touch, smell and hearing. Main Points 1- Give proper introduction about the topic (person /place/event). 2 -Clear physical details while writing about a person. 3 - Almost paragraphs are writing in  Present and  Past tense. 4 - Make a list of the scenes which you have visited to write paragraph  about any place. 5 - Paragraph should be about 100 - 120  words.               FORMAT                      Topic ( in Capital )        Introductory lines      Main lines/ main purpose of writing.                MY GRANDMOTHER  

Character - Lencho and Natalya

               CHARACTER -- LENCHO Lencho was a simple farmer.He was  very hard working man.    He  laboured  like an  ox.  He had good knowledge of farming .He knew it well that  his crop needed a downpour to give him good yield.  He was completely dependent  up on  the crop of his field. His annual crop was completely destroyed due to heavy  rains and hail Strom. When his crop was destroyed , he stood in his field and was only thinking about his family. No one was there to help him. He alone fought with his financial crises and became sad . He was bold , honest and courageous. When his crop was destroyed in hail storm, he still hoped to God for his family. Luncho had great faith in God. He became sad when nothing was left for him.But he didn't give up his hope to God. He wrote a letter to God for sending him hundred pesos. So that he could sow his field again till the next crop. T his act shows that he had a firm faith in God and was much courageous. He was simple and innocent fa

L- A Letter to God

                                     By  - G.L.FUENTES NCERT QUESTIONS Q-1  What did Lencho hope for ? Ans- Lencho hoped for rains  as the only things his field of ripe corn needed was a shower. Q- 2  Why did Lencho say that  the raindrops were like ' new coins' ? Ans - Lencho said that the raindrops were like ' new coins' because his crops were ready for harvest and little shower would help him to get good harvest. So , when it rained, he saw it in the form of new coins. Q- 3  How did rain change ? What  happened to Lencho's fields ? Ans-   In the beginning the rain was slow but suddenly,a strong wind began to blow and very large hailstones began to fall along with the rain.They destroyed Lencho's fields completely. Q - 4  What  were Lencho's feelings when the hail stopped ? Ans - The hailstones completely destroyed Lencho's field. His soul was filled with sadness to see it. He  could see a bleak future for himself and his family.He felt tha


        THE MAKING Of A SCIENTIST           By - Robert W. Peterson Text Questions Q-1 How did a book become a turning point in Richard Eh right' s life ? Ans-   The book ' The Travels of Monarch X'  changed Richard Ebright's life.This book opened the world of science to him.After reading the book he got to know about the migration of Monarch butterflies to Central America.This interest led to his other projects and experiments and made him a great scientist. Q-2  How did his mother help him ?               Or How did Richard's mother helped him to become a scientist ? Ans- Richard's mother was a great source of great inspiration for him. She took him on trips and bought scientific equipment for him. She always  encouraged him and provided constant company to him. In the day she brought friends for him. In the night she herself  worked with him. She presented him the book ' The Travels of Monarch X' which changed his life. Q-3 What lesson did Ebright lea