
Showing posts from February, 2024

Figure of Speech

        🌿🌿🌿   Book Beehive🌿🌿🌿🌿         🌿🌿Poem - The Road not Taken🌿 Examples 🌷 Metaphor 1- " Two roads diverged in a yellow wood". 🌷 Anaphora " A nd  he one traveler, long I stood". "And l ooked down one as far as I could". 🌷Personification " Because It was grassy and wanted wear". Alliteration " Somewhere ages and ages hence".          🌿🌿🌿   Poem - Wind🌿🌿🌿 🌷Metaphor The entire poem is Metaphor. ( It ends on a note of application to humanity to stand against all revenge or man made) 🌷Personifation " You tore the pages of books ." " You are very cleaver at poking fun at weakling" ( All are human traits) The wind is personified as Friend. 🌷Anaphora " Don't b reak the shutter of the Window. Don't s catter the pages. Don't t hrow down the books on the self.        🌿🌿🌿  Poem - Rain on The Roof🌿🌿🌿 🌷Metaphor " When the humid shadow hover". " and the thousands rec