
Showing posts from November, 2022

Story - Tit For Tat

                STORY -   THE GREEDY MAN Once a poor  man lived in a village. He had a hen. It was not an ordinary hen. The hen laid  a golden egg  daily for the man. He used to sell the golden egg in the market at a very high price. Within few days he became very rich. The other people were very much surprised to see his richness.  But as much as he was earning mony by selling the egg, he was becoming greedy. He was so impatient  that he could not wait for the egg to come out one by one. He wanted to become rich at once. So, he thought  a plan to fulfill his desire. One day he killed the hen because he was thinking to get all the eggs at once. After killing the hen he opened her stomach, hoping the eggs in it. But he was surprised to see that no egg was there in her stomach. Now he realized his mistake of over greediness. He repented more but it all was vain.Now he would not get even an egg. Moral - Tit for Fat. Or As you sow, so shall you reap.      

Story - Tit for Tat

                    A JACKAL AND A CAMEL Once there were two friends Jackal and a Camel. They both lived in a forest. They lived together and  wondered near the bank of the river. They ate together and helped each other in finding the food. They were living happily but after some time there was shortage of the food.  The camel suggested Jackal  to go to the other side of the river. Jackal agreed and were ready to go. The river  was very wide and deep. Jackal did not know how to swim. The Camel asked him to get onto his back so, they could cross the river. The Camel took him on his back and they reached on the other side of the river. There were melon field and Jackal ate some melons.Then he began to howl.The Camel asked him to stop but Jackal said him that it was his habit. The same time the owner of that melon field reached  thwre . He hit the Camel badly with the stick. After that they started their journey toward the another bank of the river.The Jackal was enjoying his ride on the

Inquiry Letter

                   INQUIRY LETTER  Q - 1  You are Ravi Rao of 50, Adarsh Nagar, Secundrabad. You saw an advertisement about  a course in spoken  English, published by American English 22, Gandhi Pet, Chennai -20. You wish to join the course.Write a letter to inquiry about all details that you require. Answers 50 Adarsh Nagar Secundrabad. 25 November,22 The Director American English Institution 22, Gandhi Pet, Chennai. Sub - Inquiry about Course in Spoken English. Sir  This is with reference to the advertisement of your deputed institution in the Times of India, dated 22nd Nov,2022. I wish to join the course in spoken English . I am a student of class 10. I have just appeared in the  All India Secondary School Examination of CBSE and now planning to join communication jobs. So, I am keen interested to join your Crash - Course. I am interested  in getting a detailed information about the course and the terms and condition for admission. I shall be obliged if you furnish me the following


                THE SERMON At BENARES EXTRA QUESTIONS Q -1 How did the Buddha teach Kisa Gotami the truth of life ?                Or  What reply did Buddha give to Kisa Gotami when she asked him to give her the medicine to make her son alive ? Ans -   Kisa Gotami became  very sad when her son died. When she went to Buddha, he taught the lesson of the reality of life.He changed her mind with the help of simple act- asking her to bring  a handful of mustard seeds from that house where no one has died.She could not understand it. But gradually, she understood that life is inevitable.The one who has born here has to die. Q - 2 What sights moved Siddhartha Gautama to seek the path of enlightenment ? Ans -  While going for hunting, Gautama saw four sights,  those moved him to seek the path of enlightenment. He saw a sick man, an old man,  a funeral procession and a monk begging.All these sights encounter with the suffering and grief and moved him to left the home in search the path of enli


                THE SERMON At BENARAS NCERT QUESTIONS Q- 1  When her son dies Kisa Gotami goes from house to house. What does she ask for ? Does she get it ? Why not ? Ans- Kisa Gotami had an only son, and he had died.  In her grief she goes from house to house,  asking if she could get  some medicine that can cure her son. No, she does not get it because her child is dead and no medicine can cure her son. Q -2 Kisa Gotami again goes from house to house after she speaks with the Buddha. What does she ask for , the second time around? Does she get it ? Why not ? Ans -   When she met the Buddha, he asked her to get a handful of mustard seeds from a house where no one has lost a child , husband, parents or friend. No, when Kisa Gotami went house to house but she could not get handful mustard seeds because there was not a single house where no one had died in the family. Q - 3 What does Kisa Gotami understand the second time that she failed to understand the first time ? Was this what the


                     MADAM RIDES THE BUS                       -- VALLIKKANNAN NCERT QUESTIONS Q -1 What was Valli' s favorite pastime ? Ans -   Valli's favorite past time to stand in the front doorway of her house and watch what was happening outside in the street. Q - 2  What was a  source of unending joy for Valli?  What was her strongest desire ? Ans - The sight of the bus with new passengers traveled between her village to the town was a source of unending joy for Valli . Her strongest desire was to ride on that bus. Q - 3  What did  Valli find out about the bus journey ? How did she find out these details ? Ans -   Valli found out that the town was six miles away from her village.The fare from one side is thirty paise.The trip to the town took forty- five minutes. If she returns to her village in the same bus, she also have to pay thirty paise. She needs sixty paise to take ride in both sides. She found out these details by listening the conversation between her neighbour


                  MY CHILDHOOD                 - A.P.J Abdul Islam NCERT QUESTIONS Q -1 Where was Abdul Kalam's house ? Ans -   Abdul Kalam's house was on the Mosque Street in Rameswaram. Q-2  What do you think  Dinamani is the name of ? Give a reason for your answer . Ans-  Dinamani is  the name of a daily newspaper in the Tamil language. Abdul Kalam's brother - in - law Jallaluddin used to tell him stories about the world war which he used to search in the headlines in Dinamani. Q-3 Who were Abdul  Kalam's school friends ? What did they become later ? Ans- Ramanadha Sastry, Aravindam and Sivaprakashan were Abdul Kalam's school friends. Later, Ramanadha became the priest of the Rameswaram Temple, Aravindam , went into the business of arranging transport for visiting pilgrims and Sivaprakasan became a catering contractor for the Southern Railways. Q -4 How did  Abdul earn his first wages ? Ans -  During the  second world war the casualty cam e in the form of the sus