Part -2 The Shehnai of Bismillah Khan ( The sound of Music)

               The Shehnai Of Bismillah Khan

Q-1 What is a pungi ?
Ans-Pungi is a musical instrument.

Q-2 Who banned the playing of pungi in the royal residence?
Ans- Emperor Aurangzeb banned  the playing  of pungi in the royal residence.

Q-3 What name was given to the new musical instrument made by the barbar ?
Ans- Shehnai

Q-4 Where was the Shehnai played first?
Ans-  It was played first in the Shah's Chamber.

Q-5 Who played this instrument first?
Ans - The instrument  was first played by a barber.

Q-6 Why was the Shehnai played in temples and wedding till recently?
Ans- Shehnai played in temples and wedding till recently because it was considered auspicious.

Q-7 How did Ustad  Bismillah Khan contributed the Shehnai?
Ans- Ustad Bismillah Khan made it a classical instrument.


Q-1 Why did Aurangzeb ban the playing of pungi ?
Ans-  Aurangzeb banned the playing of pungI because it had a shrill and unpleasant sound.

Q-2 How is shehnai different from a pungi ?
Ans- Shehnai is a hollow stem that is longer and broader. It has seven holes on its body. When it is played by placing the fingers closing and opening the holes on its surface, it produces melodious sound.

Q-3 Where was the shehnai played traditionally? How did Bismillah Khan change this?
Ans- The shehnai was traditionally played in royal courts, temples and weddings.

Q-4 When and how did Bismillah Khan get his big break?
Ans- Bismillah Khan got his big break with the opening of the All India Radio in Lucknow in 1938.

Q-5 Where did Bismillah Khan play the shehnai on 15 August 1947 ? Why was the event historic?
Ans- Bismillah Khan played the shehnai on 15 August 1947 at Red Fort.
It was a historic day because we got independence on that day. He became the  first Indian to great the nation with his shehnai and poured his heart out into 'Raag Kafi',  in the presence of large number of people including Pt. Jawahar Lal  Nehru, cherishing the freedom of the country.

Q-6 Why did Bismillah Khan refuse to start a Shehnai school in the U.S.A ?
Ans-  Bismillah Khan refused to start a Shehnai  school in the U.S.A because he never wanted to leave India.
 When one of  his  student asked him to head a shehnai school in USA, and,the student,promised to recreate the atmosphere of Ben aras by replicating the temples in the city.To hear him Bismillah Khan asked him if he could also transport the river Ganga to the U.S.A.When he was in a foreign land,he kept yearning to see Hindustan.


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