
Showing posts from July, 2022

TWO STORIES About FLYING( The Black Aero plane)

                  THE BLACK AEROPLANE Text Questions Q-1  " I will take the risk." What was the risk ? Why does the Narrated take it ? Ans- The risk was to fly the old Dakota aeroplane  through the black storm clouds. The narrator took the risk because he wanted to get home to be present  at the breakfast table. Q-2 Describe the narrator's experience as he flew the aeroplane  into the storm. Ans-  As the narrator  flew his plane into the storm, everything went black. He could see nothing. The plane jumped and twisted in the air. He found that his compass was turning round and round.The other instruments like radio,also stopped to work. He was lost in the storm. Suddenly he saw another aero plane.The pilot of the plane waved at him, asking him to follow. There was only enough fuel to fly five or ten minutes in narrator's plane.So he decided to follow the other aeroplane .The pilot started going down and he followed.When he came out from the black storm, the other aerop

Essay - THE COW

              THE COW Cow is very gentle and useful animal. In India , people of Hindu religion denote cow as" Cow is our mother". It is a domestic and religious animal.People in India bring her at their homes as a Dhan Lakshmi. It is found in  different shapes, colors and sizes. Cow has four legs,one long tail, two horns, two ear,two eyes, one nose and mouth. It is found in almost every countries of the world.Cow eats green grasses, food, grains, hay and other things.                 Cow's milk is used in the pooja, Abhishek and other rituals. It's milk is very Healthy and beneficial for children. According to doctors cow's milk has a lot of nutrients which keeps   us away from various illnesses. The milk also produces a lot of products like butter, cream, curd, cheese and, more. The cow dung is used for many purposes. People use it as rich fertilizer and producer of fuel and biogas. The skin of cow is  also used for making many things. Thus, we know


         APPLICATION OF FEE CONCESSION The Principal School Name School address, city name. ........................... 25 July, 22 ........................... Sub - Application of Fee Concession. ........................... Respected Sir/ Madam With due respect I.........( name) a student of class...... want to say that my father works in a factory and gets very less salary. His monthly  income is only 8.000/-per month.There are eight members in my family.  My two younger brothers are also studying in your school. He is only a single earning person in my family. In this condition it is very difficult for him  to deposit my fees.        I have been good in study. In  the previous class I got 95 percent marks. I also participate in games activities. Therefore, I request you to please accept my application and grant me concession in fee. I shall be obliged and thankful to you. Thanking You Yours faithfully ...........(  name) ...........(class)


            THE LITTLE GIRL Q-1 Why was Kezia afraid of her father ? Ans- Kezia was afraid of her father because of his rude and harsh behavior.He was very strict and dominated everyone in the house. He appeared to be in big and huge size to her. He never seemed to smile. Q-2 Who were the people in Kezia's family? Ans-   The people of Kezia's family were father, mother, grandmother and herself. Q-3 What was Kezia's father's routine? 1- Before going to his office ? Ans - Before going to his office he used to kiss Kezia. Q- 2 After coming back from his office ? Ans -  After coming back from his office , he asked Kezia to bring newspaper and tea. Q-3  On Sundays ? Ans- On Sundays, he would take rest. He would have sound sleep on sofa. Q-4 In what ways did Kezia's grandmother encourage her to get to know her father better ? Ans - Kezia's grandmother encouraged her to get to know her father  by sending her to the drawing room  on Sundays to have a nice ta