
Showing posts from December, 2022

CHARACTER SKETCH Of - Bholi and Valli

              CHARACTER SKETCH -   VALLI  Valli is an important  and main character of 'Madam Rides the bus'. She was an eight - years old girl, born in a small village. Her real name was Valliammai. She was very curious girl. She spent her past time standing in the front doorway of her house, watching what was happening in the street outside. By standing on the door of house she collected all information  about bus, coming to her town. She was very meticulous  in planing for the trip. She calculated the distance between her home to the town and the time it took for going and coming back to her village. She was full with ardent desire.  she used  to watch out a bus which comes from near by town to her village.That developed a desire of visit in Valli. She became very fond of to watch the bus which brought new passengers. She also want to ride ones in that bus. Valli was a determined girl. To fulfill her desire to ride in the bus she saved the money by resisting temptations to b


              THE MAKING OF A SCIENTIST                            By - W. Peterson NCERT QUESTIONS Q -1  H ow did a book become a turning point in Richard Ebright's life ? Ans -   Ebright's mother brought a book for him titled' The Travels of Monarch X' that opened the world of science to Richard. After reading this book he got to know how monarch butterflies  migrate to Central America. This led to him towards other projects and experiments. Finally, he  became a great scientist. Q - 2 How did his mother help him ? Ans - Ebright's mother was a source of great inspiration for him.She always encouraged him. She took him on trips and bought scientific equipment for him.In the day she brought friends for him and in night she herself worked with him.She presented him the book, ' The Travels of Monarch X'. That book changed Richard's life forever. Q - 3 What lesson does Ebright  learn when he does not win anything at a science fair? Ans - Ebright exhibited s