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Long Questions (Supplementary)

      LONGE QUESTIONS ( supplementary) Q - 1  " My spirits rose . But when I took the note , I saw it was still wet from the night's rain. Today we"lol start  writing sentences". He said. The willingness to transform himself catapults the thief out of misery. Justify the given statement in context with the lesson, The Thief's Story. Q - 2  " No legacy is so rich as honesty" ( William Shakespeare) Matilda lost her friend's necklace and ruined her life in the process . Justify the given quote in the context of the lesson , The Necklace. How do you think the lesson reflect importance of honesty ? Q -3  " The air was bitterly cold and he could  not do without clothes". Troubling situation and the inescapable weather forced Griffin to turn lawless. Drawing reference from the statement given above, explain the experience of Griffen at the big London store. Q - 4  ' Though a thief , I am not a man who threatens society ,' says Horace.  Wh

IMPORTANT QUESTIONS ( supplementary)

           QUESTIONS  Of SUPPLEMENTARY There are some questions of our supplementary book "The Foot Prints Without Feet". to help the students in CBSE board exam. Its contains short and long questions. SHORT QUESTIONS ( 40- 50 words) 1 - Which book did Ebright's mother give to him ? How did it change his life ? 2 - Why was Matilda's friend astonished to see her at the end of the story ? 3 -   Why, according to Hari Shing, it is easier to rob a greedy man than a careless person like Anil.                   Or Why does the thief say that it is difficult to rob a careless man ? 4 - Why did Bholi find her teacher different from the people at home ? 5 - Why do Bholi's parents accept Bishamber's marriage proposal ? 6 -   Why did Viceroy butterflies copy the Monarch ? 7 - Who was Ausable ? How did he show his presence of mind to get rid of the intruder ? 8 - What lesson does Ebright learn when hedoes not win anything at a science fair ? 9 - Why did Matilda(Mme Loise

L - 8 The Begger ( Supplementary)

              THE  BEGGAR             By - Anton Chekhov NCERT solution  class 9 supplementary chapter.We provide you with the NCERT solution of L -  8 The  Beggar.This covers the MCQ, questions with character , long answers along with extra questions.  MCQ Questios with Answers 1- Who was bigger ? A -  Sergei B - Olga C - Lushkoff D - None of these Ans - Lushkoff 2 - For how many years was he a teacher ? 1- Five 2- three 3 - eight 4- ten Ans  -  Eight 3 -Why did the beggar  agree to chop wood for Sergei ? A - because he wanted to work B - because he was hungry C -  because he was poor D - because of his pride and shame.  Ans - D 4 - Who was Olga's companion ? A - Sergei B - the beggar C- the servant D - the wood cutter Ans - C 5 - Which of the following works did the beggar do for Sergei ? A - wood cutter B - Shoveled the snow C - Put wood - shed in order D - Beat dust out of rugs and mattress  a - 1 and 2          b- 2,3,4  c - 1,2,3, and 4    d -  3 and 4 Ans  - C 6 - Why was th

Class 10 Grammar Section ( Practice paper)

                            SECTION- B                     GRAMMAR  (SAMPLE PAPER)                         PRACTICE PAPER - 1 1 - Attempt  ANY TEN   of the following questions. 1- Fill the blank by choosing the correct option- Each one of the managers -------- for leave today in protest  against the management. A- has applied B- have applied C- applied D - will apply 2 - Read the conversation below and complete the sentence by reporting the same. Shubham said to Renu, " I don't know what Gayatri is doing these days. She hasn't visited us for ages." Shubham told Renu that he didn't know  what Gayatri was doing those days as ---------- A- she had not visited them for ages. B- she has not visited them for ages. C- she would have visited us. D- she should have visited us. 3- Select the correct option to fill in the blank for the given line. We--------- only hope that everything turns out well. A - must B- could C- can D -need 4 - Select the option that identifies the


        L- KATHMANDU NCERT QUESTIONS Q -1 Name the temples the author has visited in Kathmandu. Ans -   The two temple the author visited in Kathmandu are the Pashupatinath Temple and the Buddhnath Temple. Q - The writer says, " All this I wash down with Coca Cola." What does' all this' refer to? Ans -  When the writer was drinking Coca Cola, he also took a bar of marzipan, a roasted corn- on- cob( with salt, chilli powder and lime) and reads two love comics anda Reader's Digest. Q - 3What does Vikram Seth compare to the quills of a porcupine ? Ans -   The author saw a  flute seller, who had many flutes on a pole.The author compares the pole made of bamboo, with an attachment on the top from which fifty to sixty bansuris protrude in all directions, to the quills of the porcupine. Q - 4 Name five kinds of flutes. Ans - The five kinds of flutes are the reed neh, the recoder, the Japanese shakuhachi, the deep bansuri of Hindustani  classical music, the clear breathy