Important Devices of All poems ( CBSE)

          IMPORTANT DEVICES and RHYME                                   SCHEME

                   POEM - 1
               DUST OF SNOW
            By -   Robert Frost
          The way a crow    ---- a
        Shook down on me.  -- b
       The dust  of snow     ---a
        From a hemlock tree  -- b

         Rhyme scheme of all stenza is-                  abab

Poetic Device

Metaphor -  The dust of snow
Symbolism -  Hemlock tree, crow
Alliteration - And saved some part.
          Has given my heart.

                   POEM - 2
          The Fire and Ice
           By -  Robert Frost
Rhyme scheme  - abaabcbcb
Poetic Device - 

Symbolism -  ' Fire' is used as a symbol of desire.
Metaphor - to taste desire
Alliteration -  Some say the world will end in fire.
Some say in ice
I hold with those who favor fire.

Antithesis - fire is the antithesis of ice.

Imagery -  'Fire' and 'ice' stand for desire, passion and hatred, coldness in human relationship.

                     Poem - 3  
          A TIGER IN THE ZOO
        By -   Leslie Norris

Rhyme Scheme -  abcb

Poetic Devices - 

Metaphor - On  pads of velvet quiet
Imagery -    Lurking in shadow
Personification -  The ' Tiger' is refers here as he ( living  thing)  that is why  personification.
Alliteration -   Where plump dear pass
Repetition -   On pads of velvet quiet  In his quiet rage.

And stares with his brilliant eyes, A the brilliant stars.

Repetition of 'Quiet'  and  'brilliant'.

                    POEM - 4
               HOW To TELL WILD ANIMALS
          By - Carolyn Wells

 Rhyme Scheme -  ab ab cc

Poetic Devices  - 

Alliteration -  Roaming round
                      Who hugs you very hard
                      Lep and Lep again
                    A novice might nonplus

                 POEM - 5
            THE BALL POEM
          By -  John Berryman

Rhyme Scheme  - No rhyme scheme ( free verse)

Poetic Devices 

Personification -  Merrily bouncing( act of living thing)
Metaphor - Balls will be lost always
Alliteration -  What, What
               Balls, Balls
              Buys a ball back

                      Poem - 6
                     AMANDA !
             By -  Robin Klein

Rhyming Scheme -  Every stenza has different rhyming scheme.

Like first stenza -  aaba
Second               - CCC

Poetic Devices - 
Alliteration -   Stop that slouching and sit                            up straight,
                   Stop that sulking at once,                               Amanda !
Metaphor -  a mermaid, drifting blissfully.
         I am an  orphan, roaming the street.
       Silence is golden, the freedom is                    sweet.

Allusion - Mermaid ( taken from fairy tale)
                 Rapunzel - ( a German folktale character who lived in a high tower.

                   Poem - 7 
                 THE  TREES
            By - Adrienne Rich

Rhyme Scheme - no rhyme scheme (free                               verse)

Poetic Devices - 
   Simile -  Like newly discharged patients.
                Still reaches like a voice into the                     rooms
             The moon is broken like a mirror.

    Metaphor -  The  Trees  are indeed people , specifically females.

Imagery - its pieces flash now in the crown/ of the tallest oak.

                  Poem -8
              By - Carl Sandburg

Rhyming Scheme  - No rhyme scheme
                              ( Free Verse)

Poetic Devices - 
    Metaphor -  this poetic device is used throughout the entire poem to compare the fog with a cat.

          Cat is compared to fog.

             Poem - 9
   The  Tale of Cu stared the Dragon
                  By - Ogden Nash

Rhyming Scheme -  in whole the poem the rhyming scheme  is  - aabb

Poetic Device 

Simile - Mouth like a fireplace
        Belinda was as brave as a barrel.
        Snorting like an engine.
Personification -  In this poem poet gives human quality to all animals as to speak and to tease.

Metaphor -   Chimney for a nose
                  The dragon' s nose is compared with a chimney.
Alliteration -   When Cu stared cried for a        nice safe cage.
 Repetition - Suddenly, suddenly the heard
                 Belinda paled and she cried Help! Help!
Onomatopoeia -  the sound of animals -             'Weeck',  ' giggling'

              Poem -10
             For Anne Gregory
            By - William Butler Yeats

Rhyming Scheme  - abcbdb
Poetic Devices 
Alliteration -  And not Yellow Yellow hair.
Metaphor -  honey - coloured ramparts




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