SUBJECT - VERB - CONCORD
                       ( Agreement )

This is only prepared to help the students to improve Grammar. It helps students to apply appropriate verb with subject. Students will be able to choose correct verb.

The subject in a sentence is the person or things about which something is said.
Rules -

 1.  - The basic principle of the Subject- Verb agreement is that singular subjects need singular verb and  plural subject need plural verb.
Ex -  Reena goes to school daily.
         All  The teachers are going on picnic.

2 -  When two or more  singular subjects are connected by ' and '  the plural verb will be applied.
Ex-   Reena and Sheena are sisters.

3 -  When the subjects consists of ' one of ' with plural noun the Verb is applied Singular.
Ex - One of the students was talking.
        One of the birds was chirping.

4 -  When a clause or a long group of words is the subject, the verb is carefully used with the subject.
Ex -   1 -The pen which I bought yesterday was very costly.
2 -  The women whom I met yesterday were my aunts.

5 - When two singular nouns refer to the same person, the verb must be in the singular.
Ex-   1 - The manager and secretary has died.
2 - Ritu's friend and colleague is coming.
6 - When two or more nouns make one Unit , the verb is applied Singular.
Ex 1 - Bread and butter is perfect food.
      2 - Rice and curry is my favorite dish.
      3-  Time and tide waits for none.

7 - When two or more nouns function as subject , a plural verb  is used.
Ex - Satish and his sister have gone to see a movie.

8 -  When a singular is qualified by ' each' or ' every' the verb must be singular .
Ex - Each boy was given a present.

9 - A singular verb is used with  pronouns  when each , either , neither, anyone etc is given.
Ex - Each of the boys is intelligent.
  Neither of the students was absent.

10 - The phrase ' One of' is always followed by a plural nouns, but the verb is used singular.
Ex -  One of the boy sings very well.

11 - When two nouns are linked by either - or/ neither- nor  the verb is used according to latter noun( givenafter or/ nor).
Ex -  1 - Neither the students nor teacher is present here.
  2 - Neither she nor her sisters visit the temple.

12 - When nouns are connected by, ' With' , ' Together with' or ' as well as', the verb is used according to former ( first) noun.
Ex -  1 -The mother with her children, goes to work.
  2 - Sohan as well as her brothers has come.

13 - When sentence begins with introductory ' there'  the verb is used according to the noun that follows it.
Ex -1 - There are  four boys  in the class.
    2 - There is no chair in the room.

14 -  The name of a book , house or hotel , even if in the plural form , is treated as singular.
Ex - Gulliver's Travels is an interesting book.

15 - Some nouns are in plural form but singular meaning take the verb  singular .
Ex - The news is not true.
     Measles is an infectious disease.

16 - For distance , weight, height or amounts of money,  a singular verb is used even when subject is plural.
Ex - 1 - Ten thousand rupees is not a small sum.
 2 - Three kilometers is a small distance.

17 - Some nouns which appears to be singular in form but takes plural verb .
Ex -1 -  The police have arrested three terrorist.
2 - The cattle were grazing in the field.

18 - Collective nouns like Group, Crowd, Flock, Regiment etc.are followed by  singular verb .
Ex - 1 - A group of boys was playing in the ground.
 2 - A crowd of people rushes into the hall.

19 -  Phrases like ' a lot of ', ' plenty of'  ' most of ' and ' some of' are used as singular when they refer to an amount or quantity.( take singular verb).
But  when they refer to a number take plural verb.
Ex - 1 -A lot of work has to be done.
    2 -  A lot of  boys like these chocolates.

20 - Collective noun such as jury, committee,family etc takes as singular verb when it is considered one unit.
But when they are regarded as individuals , they take a plural verb.

Ex - A herd of cattle is grazing.
     The jury are divided in their openion.
    The jury is about to give its decision.



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