Amaging Facts of English
---👉 The shortest , oldest and most commonly used word in English is ' I'.
--👉 " I am" is the shortest complete sentence in the English language.
--👉The longest English language word is, Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoco.
--👉English language is officially used language in the world.
--👉A sentence that use all 26 letters in the English alphabet is called ' Panagram'.
--👉The most common example of a Panagram is " The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog"
--👉The English word ' alphabet ' came into Middle English from the Latin word ' alphabetum'.
--👉English is the language of skies too. Almost all pilots and air traffic controllers use English to communicate any massage.
--👉 According to Oxford dictionary , E is the most commonly used letter in the English alphabet.
--👉The most commonly used noun is ' time'.
--👉 The most common adjective used in English is ' good'.
--👉The first English dictionary was written in 1755.
--👉The word ' set' has the highest number of definitions.
--👉 Two English words in current use end in " gry".The are - angry and hungry.
--👉 The OXFORD ENGLISH DICTIONARY is updated 4 times in a year.
--👉 Some words do not have a singular form. as - Glasses.
--👉 " FACETIOUS" is the only word that uses all the vowels.
--👉 The longest English word without a vowel is - rhythm .
-- 👉 The only 15 letter word that can be spelt without repeating
--👉 'ALOHA' is a Hawalian word that means both hello and goodbye.
--👉 LISTEN and SILENT are spell with same letters.
--👉 The English Language is said to be one of the HAPPIEST language in the world.
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