PARTS OF SPEECH

In the junior classes 6,7 and 8 grammar plays an important role as a part of English Language. At this stage our main aim to strong their grammar. Among  The other topics of grammar Parts of Speech is the Important and basic topic.This contents Definition, kinds of Parts of Speech with example.Students should have knowledge of all parts of speech.


Parts of Speech is the first grammar topic which we learn in school. Parts of speech can be defined as words that perform different roles in making a sentence.

Definition - A group of words or a sentence which is classified into Eight parts which play an important role in English Language. These Eight Parts are -

   Determiner/ Articles
In modern English grammar now another parts of speech Determiner or Article is also added.Now there are Nine parts of speech.

1 - NOUNS -  A noun is a word that refers to a person, place or any thing.
In other words noun are the naming words
As - Ronan, Kanpur, Chocolate etc.
Ex - Ram  is an intelligent boy.

2 - PRONOUNS -    Pronouns are the words that replace any nouns. As He, she, it, they, you etc.
Ex - He  is an intelligent boy.
       She is my  younger sister.

3 - VERBS -  A verb is a word that describes an action. A verb indicates what the subject of a sentence is doing. As playing, dancing, eating etc.

Ex - She sings melodious song.

4 - ADVERBS - An Adverb is a word that modifies any Verb or an Adjective. Adverbs are often formed by adding  " lg" to the and of and adjective. As - fairly, softly, slowly etc.

Ex -  Reena behaved rudely.

5  - ADJECTIVES - An Adjective is word that describes any Noun or Pronoun. As - good, large, beautiful etc. It describes how the person and the thing is.

Ex - This tree is very big. 
     She is an intelligent  girl.

6 - PREPOSITIONS -  A Preposition is a word that shows the relationship between the different part if a sentence. As - On, In ,upon Under etc. It is used to indicate Time, Place and Direction.

Ex -  Sohan is walking to  the garden.
    The book is on the  table.

7 - CONJUNCTIONS - A Conjunction is a connector that is used to connect different part of a sentence, words, phrase.
As - and, so, because etc.

Ex - Rahul likes swimming and hiking.
 Work hard otherwise you will fail.

8 - INTERJECTION -  An  Interjection is a word which is used  to express feeling.Exclamation mark (!) Is used to express Interjection.

Ex - Ouch ! I hurt my arm.
     Hurrah  ! We have won the match.

9 - Determiners/ Articles - Determiners are the words that describes a noun by indicating its quantity and possessions etc.Articles  as - A , An , The.
 Ex - There is  chair in the room.




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