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The Ball Poem

ANSWERS To NCERT QUESTIONS Q- 1 Why does the poet say, " I would not intrude on him ?" Why doesn't he offer him money to buy another ball ? Ans-   The boy who has lost the ball is very sad. He is really shaken at the loss of his ball. The poet doesn't want to intrude him because the boy must learn to understand and accept loss. Poet thinks that money cannot compensate for the loss. So, he doesn't give the boy money. Q-  2  What does "in the world of possessions mean " mean ? Ans-    It means the world of materialistic things. In such world, one's possessions carry importance. Q- 3 Do you think  the boy  has lost anything earlier ? Pick out the words that suggest the answer. Ans-   Yes, I think the boy has lost something earlier also. It is clear I'm the  opening line ' What is the boy now'. Q- 4 What does the poet say the boy is learning from the loss of the ball ?Try to explain this in your own words . Ans-  The poet says that the boy is

Poem - The Ball Poem

                THE  BAll  POEM                      - John Berry man INTRODUCTION T his poem is about  a little boy ,who has lost his ball. Actually this poem  is about losing something that you love, and learning to grow up. There is a little boy , who is in grief  but he is learning the nature of loss.He is learning that after loosing any loving or beloved thing how a person comes out from his grief. Rhyme scheme The poet does not follow any  identifiable  rhyme scheme in this poem. This poem is written in free verse. There is no rhyme scheme . POETIC DEVICES Alliteration - b uys a b all b ack                     B all, b alls                     W hat, W hat REPETITION -   what, what                        Balls, balls PERSONIFICATION. -   ball" marrily bouncing down the street". Merry means happy - it is the human characteristic so there is personification. ANAPHORA - What   is the boy now                         What,   what is he to do?     Merrily bouncing,down  the s

L-3 They Midnight Visitor

                The   Midnight Visitor                By-Robert Arthur Extracts 1- And as the light came on, Fowler had his first authentic thrill of the day. For half way across the room, a small automatic pistol in his hand , stood a man. A- Who was standing in the room with pistol ? 1- Fowler  2- Max 3-Ausable 4-a waiter B-  Fowler was - 1- sacred 2- thrilled 3-nervous 4- worried C- The room belonged to- 1- max 2 -fowler 3- Ausable 4- the author D- The antonym of ' automatic' is- 1- manual 2-mechanized 3- self- moving 4- motorized E-  The synonym of ' authentic' is 1- artificial 2-genuine 3-unknown 4- shallow Answers - 1- Max, 2-thrilled, 3 - Ausable,4- manual, 5- genuine 2- You can get onto it from the empty room two doors down - and somebody did, last month. The management promised to block it off. But they haven't". 1-  Who is the speaker here? 1- a waiter 2-Fowler 3-Ausable 4- Max 2- It refers to-  1 - the room 2- the roof 3-the balcony 4-the corridor 3-

L-4 IN The Kingdom of Fools

       In The Kingdom of Fools Textbook Answers Q-1 What are the two strange things the guru and his disciple find in the Kingdom of fools ? Ans- The two strange things the  guru and his disciple found  in the kingdom of fools were- First  the king had ordered to change night into day and day into night. They would all thereby, work at night and sleep during the day. Secondly, the cost of everything was same, a single duddy. Q-2 Who were the two strangers ? Why were they amazed ? Ans-  The two  strangers were the wise guru and his disciple. They were damaged to see that no one was out in the city when it was day time. Q- 3 Why does disciple decideto stay in the Kingdom of Fools ? Is it a good idea ? Ans- The disciple was very happy in the kingdom of fools. He did not want to leave the place because the most important thing for him was food. And in the kingdom of the fools the food was very cheap and good.So he decided to stay in the kingdom of fools. It eventually turned out to,be a ve


          From The Diary Of Anne Frank NCERT QUESTIONS Q-1 What makes writing in a diary a strange experience for Anne Frank ? Ans- Two reasons make writing in a diary a strange experience for Anne Frank.First, she had not written anything like this before, and secondly, she thought that nobody is going to read or would be interested in her diary. Q-2 Why does Anne want to keep a diary? Ans- Anne wants to keep a diary because she had hardly any friend to confide in. She can't talk about day- to- day happening s. In keeping a diary she would do so. Q-3  Why did Anne think she could confide more in her diary than in people ? Ans- Anne thought that  she could confide( believe) more in her diary than in people because she doesn't have a true friend to confide in.She doesn't treats the diary like others. But she would treat it as her best friend.Then diary would be more closer friend than any other. Q-4 Why does Anne provide a brief sketch of her life ? Ans-  Anne provides a bri


                    AMANDA ! Introduction of Poet Amanda poem is written by ROBIN CLEIN who was born on 28 February 1936 in Kempsey, New South Wales. She wrote many poems and story books.Her first story was published at the age of sixteen.She had more than twenty books published. Central Idea This poem is about the issue of children's growing up and their upbringing. It highlights the struggles faced by a child. The parents have a great responsibility to bring up their children to be good citizens later.They,should see that their children are unnecessarily made to feel depressed. In 'Amanda' her parents prepare her to be acceptable in the society by restricted her,in many ways. But they do not feel that in doing so they curtail her freedom and space. She feels this restrictions so much so that she doesn't want to grow up but remain an ORPHAN. Continues taunting, nagging and fault - finding make her moody. The moral of the poem is loud, lucid and clear for all. Poetic De