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                        THE LITTLE GIRL  INTRODUCTION  OF AUTHOR Katherine Mansfield is the author of this chapter. She was one of the most highly regarded short story writers.  She was born on  14 October 1888 and was died on 9 January 1923 in New Zealand. She wrote under the pen name Katherine Mansfield. As well as short stories she also wrote letters,review and,journals in a profile career which was cut short by her untimely death at the age of 34. INTRODUCTION OF LESSON Kezia is a little girl and her father is a leading character of this lesson.Her father is  so busy  in his business that he doesn't have time for his family. He is strict father as well as a strict husband. His presence in home afraid Kezia,she became speechless.But he has a heart of a loving father. The MacDonalds , lived next to door made an exuberant, lively, playful family. Kezia saw  five children playing with their father, turning a hose at him and the father tickling the children.Now She compa


                  PARTS OF SPEECH The Parts of Speech are the classes into which words are divided according to their functions in a sentence.      English grammar there are eight parts of speech but Article/ determiner is also added and they are nine parts of speech. as-  1 - Noun - A noun is the name of a person, place or a thing. Ex- The Sun rises in the east. 2- Pronouns - pronoun is a word used in place of noun. Ex- Rahul is intelligent.  He is sincere also. 3- Adjective - An adjective is a word which qualities any noun and pronoun. Ex- Saurabh is a brave boy. 4- Verb - A verb is a word used for saying something about a person,place or thing. Ex-They cried loudly. 5- Adverb - An adverb is a word which qualities a Verb, Adjective or another Adverb. Ex- She speaks politely. 6 - Preposition - A preposition is a word  which is used before noun and pronoun to show its relation to some other words in the sentence  Ex- He is fond of   music. 7- Conjunction - A Conjunction is a word use

LONG ANSWERS - The Sound of Music

Q - 1 How does Evelyn hear music? Ans-  When Evelyn was 11 years old, she became deaf. But she did not give up. She did not leave hope and determined to lead a normal life and pursue Interest in music. Ron Forbes, a percussionist spotted her potential and decided to help her to listen music. He asked her not to listen through ears but try to sense it by other way.She tried and realized that she could feel the higher drum from the waist up and the lower one from the waist down. She repeated the exercise again and again  and then she found that she could sense certain notes in different parts of her body. She  herself explained," It pours in through every part of my body. It tingles in the skin, my cheekbones and even in my hair."  When she played the xylophone,she could sense the sound passing up the stick into her fingertips.On the wooden floor she used to remove her shoes so that the vibration may pass through her bare feet and up her legs. Q-2 Attempt a character sketch of

Part -2 The Shehnai of Bismillah Khan ( The sound of Music)

               The Shehnai Of Bismillah Khan Q-1 What is a pungi ? Ans- Pungi is a musical instrument. Q-2 Who banned the playing of pungi in the royal residence? Ans-  Emperor Aurangzeb banned  the playing  of pungi in the royal residence. Q-3 What name was given to the new musical instrument made by the barbar ? Ans- Shehnai Q-4 Where was the Shehnai played first? Ans-  It was played first in the Shah's Chamber. Q-5 Who played this instrument first? Ans  - The instrument  was first played by a barber. Q-6 Why was the Shehnai played in temples and wedding till recently? Ans- Shehnai played in temples and wedding till recently because it was considered auspicious. Q-7 How did Ustad  Bismillah Khan contributed the Shehnai? Ans-  Ustad Bismillah Khan made it a classical instrument.  ANSWERS Of NCERT QUESTIONS Q-1 Why did Aurangzeb ban the playing of pungi ? Ans-   Aurangzeb banned the playing of pungI because it had a shrill and unpleasant sound. Q-2 How is shehnai different from a p


                   THE SOUND  Of MUSIC                     By - Deroah Cowley About The Author Deborah Cowley is a writer as well a broadcaster. She has been an air- broadcaster for CBC radio in Washington, DC and worked for CBC television in London and Cairo, Egypt.She is a author of Cairo. She wrote one Woman's,Journey: A Portrait of Pauline Vanier.  About the Lesson This chapter gives us lesson that how  sheer determination and hard work, perseverance and courage can help us to achieve anything if we put our heart and soul to it. No handicap or barriers can break one's way, if one has the will to live their dreams.                           PART- 1 Answers to NCERT questions Q-1How old was Evelyn when she went to the Royal Academy of Music? Ans-   Evelyn was seventeen ( 17) years old when she went to Royal Academy of Music. Q-2 When was her deafness just noticed? When was it confirmed? Ans- When she was eight years old ,her mother noticed her deafness. It was confirmed when

Diary Entry

                      DIARY ENTRY Q- You are Rohan Sharma, your school has organized a Science Exhibition in which you got first position. Express your feeling on diary page. -------------------------------------------------------------------Monday,  20th May,2022 -------------------------------------- Time- 10:30am ------------------------ Dear Diary You know diary, I am very happy today. It will be a memorable day of my life.I tell you diary, today I participate in Science Exhibition which was held  in my school. On 18 may our science teacher informed us about the science exhibition. Many of my friend gave their names but I remain quiet and set silent. I also want to participate but none of my friend asked me.They made a group and I was alone.  My science teacher encouraged me to join science exhibition. When I talked my friends to take me with them they laughed on me and kicked me from their group. Then I realized that I alone should have to prepare a project. After reaching the hom

Diary Entry

                          Diary Entry Diary entry is a short composition.It is a personal document of an individual to store his/ her emotions, thoughts or feelings on daily basis. It is simply the entry of writer's feelings or brief summary of what happens in his life.It is a record of writer's past. Main Points to diary entry 1- Mention day and date in left side top corner. 2- Start writing with perfect title. 3- Express the ideas in paragraph with the important details. 4- The writing style should be informal and personal. 5- Writing should be in the past tense. 6- Keep in mind the word limit 150--200 words. 7- Lay stress on your emotions, feeling and reactions. 8- Use First Person narration when making a diary entry, like - I or We.                     FORMAT Of DIARY ENTRY ------------------------------------------------------------------- Day and date.                                      ---------------------  Time ---------------------- Dear Diary             Body/ Cont

L -1 The Fun They Had

                The Fun They Had                 By - Isaac Asimov About the Author Isaac Asimov was born on 2 January 1920 and was died on 6th April 1992. He was an American writer and professor of biochemistry at the Boston University. Asimov was a prolific writer  who wrote or edited more than 500 books and estimated 90,000 letters and postcard. He was a wonderful fiction writer he wrote down many story books and fictions. Introduction to Lesson The story is a science fiction that shows  the difference in the education system of the olden days and future education system.The story deals with a boy and a girl, Tommy and Margie, who find out something about school in the past time. Tommy is about thirteen years old and  Margie is eleven years old girl. On 17th May 2157, Tommy finds a book which was about old schools.They learn how the schools were different in the past from their time and how much fun the children had in those days. Answers to NCERT Questions Q - 1 How old are Margie